Japanese Earth Friendly studio by a Certified Kimono Consultant, Kimono Model/Photographer, Edo Tsumami Kanzashi Artisan, and Shinto Priestess.
神奈備万有乃杜(かむなび ばんゆうのもり)は、縄文時代まで遡る古神道の形態のままに、鎮守の森、磐境、磐座、御神木を、杜司(もりつかさ)の私有地にて御祀りし、大いなる自然の稜威に畏敬・畏怖・感謝の念を体現しております。
万葉集「思はぬを思ふと言はば大野なる御笠の杜(もり)の神し知らさむ」(4-561)「千年に 欠くることなく 万代に あり通はむと 山科の 石田の杜(もり)の 皇神(すめがみ)に」(13-3236)
【杜司 もりつかさ】
KAMUNABI-BAN'YŪ-NO-MORI enshrines the beautiful sacred forest, mountain, rocks, and trees by the ancient Himorogi Ko-Shintō style of prehistoric Jōmon period. It dwells in a private propety of Rev. Kuniko Kanawa as Teinai-sha, to present respect, appreciation and awe to glorious virtue of Kami (deities) in great nature.
The sunrise peaks at the top of the sacred forest is truly awe-inspiring. When visiting, this Ko-Shintō shrine responds by clearing the clouds, gusting the wind in woods, merrily talking trees, and their dancing falling leaves. The lively energy of vivid green moss over the sacred rocks stay throughout the year and never wither. The sacred rocks and trees reflecting the sunset are breathtakingly beautiful. The graceful full moon light brightly shines Norito liturgy when reporting in the sacred forest at night.
Many kinds of beautiful animals live in this sacred site such as the descent of Japanese wolf Kishū dog run and guide visitors, coywolf (Eastern coyote), fox, deer, squirrel, crow, eagle, hawk, wood-pecker, owl, hummingbird, northern cardinal, non-poisonous snakes, frog, lady bug, dragonfly and so on.
This shrine is not open to the public as being Kinsoku-chi (tabood land) and the bounds of this sacred land, yet can be visited for a private ceremony/blessing by reservation and by Shintō class students, when not severely snowed.
Private visitors may enjoy a spiritual journey of a sacred pilgrimage through forest hike to various Himorogi sites.
Rev. Kanawa also travels to conduct Shintō ceremonies, Shintō lectures, Misogi-harae (water purification practice), workshop, and Kagura Shintō sacred dance. Please contact her for inquiries.
To preserve and pass the universal Ko-Shintō/Shintō spirituality to the future generations, Rev. Kuniko Kanawa studied Ko-Shintō/shrine shintō and humbly received the Shintō priestess certificate in September 2015 from Ama-no-iwakura-Jingū, the independent Ko-Shintō shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan.
In the first Reiwa era after serving Himorogi style ceremonies for four years, she humbly received her clergy rank promotion, was approved to title Kamunabi Banyū Ko-Shintō Shrine and enshrine a number of universal nature Kami.
This is an independent Ko-Shintō shrine site, not the American branch of Ama-no-iwakura-Jingū. The major ceremonial decorum and Hakama sash tying follow Kokugakuin university style as her teacher Taishū Nara sensei, the head priest of Ama-no-iwakura-jingū graduated and licensed by Kokugakuin university.
Kamunabi: Sacred nature sites where Kami (deities) dwell. The barrier between Toko-yo (eternal spirit world) and Utsushi-yo (physical world). Tabooed land.
Ban'yū: All matters / phenomenons existing in the universe
Mori: Sacred nature area to invite Kami to descend. Symbolizes Kami itself.
(related poems can be found in Man'yōshū:Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves - Anthology of Japanese poetry)
Ama-no-minakanushi-no-kami : Deity emerged at the center of the universe
Takami-musuhi-no-kami : Deity of centrifugal force of the universe's generation/production
Kami-musuhi-no-kami: Deity of centripetal force of the universe's generation/production
Ame-no-tokotachi-no-kami : Deity of the sky constantly establishing
Kuni-no-tokotachi-no-kami : Deity of the Earth constantly establishing
Amaterasu-Oomikami : Sun deity
Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto : Moon deity
Oo-haraedo-no-Ookami : Great deities at the magnificent purification sites
Maryland Ubusuna-no-Ookami : Great guardian deity dwells in the state of Maryland
Ooguchi-Makami : Japanese wolf deity who once inhabited throughout Japan, guided the path for Yamato-takeru-no-mikoto in the deep mountain
* Other Kami can be called down temporarily by Kōshin-no-gi, depending on the ceremony
Introducing our special Shinshi divine messengers among many other wildlife in Kamunabi Ban'yū Ko-Shintō Shrine.
Kishū dog is well known as an excellent hunter in the forest, as they are the direct descendants of Japanese wolf known as Ooguchi-makami (Wolf Kami). Its history can be found in Japanese folklore.
One autumn in the Edo period, the boar hunter Yakurō Mine happened to find the wounded wolf in a deep mountain so he treated her. As she kept following him, Yakurō smiled and said goodbye by joking that she would one day give him one of her puppy wolves after she recovers well.
Following spring, after totally forgetting this event, he heard a puppy outside of his house. He found the wolf's puppy facing him right by the door. He figured it was the mother wolf repaying his kindness. She kept her promise.
This wolf puppy later became a great hunting buddy for Yakurō, the ancestor of Kishū dog. This folklore can be watched in this Anime.
The hunting master Kishū dogs are very cautious, naturally smart, understand human language, capture the atmosphere, remarkably brave, and protect family regardless of risking their lives, and swift even in steep mountains.
Modern day Kishū dogs are well known for being White color, however they are originally colored, just like wolf’s fur coloration, as seen in our Shinshi especially around her straight tail. Her motions are also rather wolf-like wind than a domesticated dog.
She has the greatest ability as a divine messenger to find and guide into sacred sites. She belongs to the forest. She shows how to live in great nature.
Kitsune Fox also live in this sacred forest. To give you a deeper historical information based on the chronological order of Kitsune being existed prior to the cultivation of Japanese land and Inari faith, Kitsune actually have been always perceived as sacred divine messenger throughout Japan from Kyushu region to Akita prefecture, by the folk Shinto faith which built Kitsune-dzsuka ancient tomb as a ceremonial site to Ta-no-kami, the Kami of the rice field.
According to Kunio Yanagita, one of the most accomplished Japanese folklorist, it was because of the timing of Yama-no-kami emerging from the mountain becoming Ta-no-kami, and Kitsune appearing to the villages was in accordance.
It is believed that these Kitsune-dzuka far later received Kanjō (transferring the separate spirit) of Inari faith, then became combined with the concept of Kitsune divine messenger.
民俗・習俗神道・民間信仰 Folk Shinto Faith is quite remarkable category to research, as they are native/indigenous which emerged from that natural environment and people's lifestyle there. Very down-to-Earth.
Black rat snake (non-venomous)
In Shintō, land snakes are perceived as a guardian Kami of the land. We encounter beautiful Black rat snake every spring. The one even climbs on the stump to give us beautiful poses for photography.
Hummingbirds are believed to be divine messangers in America by various Native American mythologies.
It is a good sign that they emerge in front of people, help reminding us love, joy, happiness.
宮司(Gūji/Miya-tsukasa) is a honorific for a chief priest at the shrine. Rev. Kanawa prefers "Mori-tsukasa" as her shrines is primitive sacred nature site with no shrine building.